We are thrilled to announce a partnership that we have made with Twin Cities based Venn Foundation. The Venn Foundation works with foundations and other charitable givers that want to invest in companies with big ideas, creating what are called Program Related Investments (PRIs) to help companies like Golden Path grow. We’ve secured a PRI from Venn with anchor support provided by two foundations, the ECMC Foundation and the Bush Foundation, both interested in how Golden Path can help more students find their path and drive higher success rates of getting into and graduating from higher education and finding a rewarding career. We’re one of the first companies to work with Venn in North Dakota, and also the first in ND to be part of Venn’s $1M by 2020 initiative supported by the Bush Foundation. You can learn more by going to our profile page on Venn’s website here, where you can also contribute to the PRI if you are interested. All dollars committed are considered a charitable gift for tax purposes, and any financial returns from the PRI go back to participating Venn Accounts for donors to recommend redeployment into new PRIs or as grants to nonprofits with similar missions, allowing charitable dollars to help multiple organizations. We are so excited to have a partner like the Venn Foundation, and also the support of the ECMC and Bush Foundations!