Save time & enhance your school’s work-based learning program with:


A work-based learning & career exploration tool connecting your students & educators to local employers & careers

Using Compass as a School Professional:

Using Compass as a Student:

What is Compass

Compass is an innovative workforce platform that connects employers, students, and school professionals in a region, creating a vibrant regional ecosystem. Its system matches employers, careers, and opportunities with high school students based on traits, interests, and talents.

150+ schools with 30k+ students have already joined Compass to connect to regional employers and opportunitites!

Work-based learning (WBL) at your school can be easier & more effective with Compass:

Employers in your region share their WBL opportunities on Compass

Employers in your region share their WBL opportunities on Compass

Students can explore all WBL opportunities and filter by desired criteria

Students can explore all WBL opportunities and filter by desired criteria

Compass matches students to WBL opportunities that suit them best based on their Student Profile

Compass matches students to WBL opportunities that suit them best based on their Student Profile

Compass saves time by streamlining the evaluation process and digitizing paperwork required from schools, employers, and students/parents

Compass saves time by streamlining the evaluation process and digitizing paperwork required from schools, employers, and students/parents

Employers in your region share their WBL opportunities on Compass

Students can explore all WBL opportunities and filter by desired criteria

Compass matches students to WBL opportunities that suit them best based on their Student Profile

Compass saves time by streamlining the evaluation process and digitizing paperwork required from schools, employers, and students/parents

Save valuable educator time & enrich student experiences with:

The Employer Connections Database

Compass’ database of employer contacts in your region who have expressed interest in activities at your school, like guest speaking, job shadowing, career fairs, & more.

Imagine having hundreds of company names and contacts at your fingertips, knowing that the answer will be yes when you ask them to visit a class, come to a career fair, or talk to a student about their industry. 

No more lost time searching online and hoping for interest.

Compass connects students to:

Career Profiles

Students explore in-depth info on real, local companies and careers


Employers help a student with tuition in exchange for a future work agreement

Work-Based Learning

Students interact directly with a company and build real-world work skills

Plus, its system matches students to their ideal opportunities based on their Student Profiles (complete with classes, hobbies, personality traits, and more).

Career profiles:

Compass Career Profiles allow students to explore real careers at local companies.

Organizations share in-depth information about their roles through Career Profiles, including:

  • An overview of the career & a day in the life
  • Skills needed for success
  • Classes, activities, hobbies, and personalities that align to the job
  • Career paths, salary, & education requirements
  • Available sponsorships
  • Videos, URLs, other information
  • Contact information

Students get matched to the Career Profiles that suit them best based on the information in their Student Profile. They can also filter based on schooling requirements, industry/job type, location, and more.


With Sponsorships, students can not only receive financial help with post-secondary expenses, but also guarantee future employment.

  • Sponsorships involve employers helping a student with post-secondary tuition in exchange for a work agreement.
  • Sponsorships can be different for each company, but usually it means covering some percentage of a student’s tuition/expenses. Tuition reimbursement might be in the form of a scholarships or loan repayment.
  • Students can search and filter Sponsorship opportunities, and Compass will match them to those that fit them best. We help facilitate the agreement and successful transition through post-secondary education into employment.

Let’s discuss how Compass can save your educators’ time and help your students find their best path.

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