Invest in your future workforce now.
Get started with Work-based Learning:
Build, share, and find success with your work-based learning opportunities through Golden Path’s platform.
Work-based learning (WBL) is an umbrella term for a variety of activities that let you interact with students while building connections, skills, and interest in your company.
Work-based learning experiences include:
- Cooperative work experiences
- Internships
- Mentorships
- Apprenticeships
- Part-time or summer job
- Service learning
- Practicums
- Career & Technical Student Organizations
- School-based enterprise, projects, or simulations
Employers can offer as few or as many experiences as they please, building a strategy that fits their goals and availability.
Compass can be used anywhere, with regional focus in North Dakota and Minnesota, where can get your company, careers, and opportunities in front of every high school student in North Dakota through our partnership with ND Career & Technical Education and XAP.
WBL provides a competitive advantage to employers looking to build and secure their future workforce:
- Helps you develop potential future employees with the skills & preparation needed for your careers
- Provides insight into the thoughts, priorities, and skills of today’s students
- Strengthens your existing employees’ supervisory and leadership skills
- Demonstrates your investment in the community & local schools
- Builds awareness of your company and careers with students and school counselors
- Gain value from student work (i.e. actual productive work)
- Retain local talent and help local economies prosper
How Work-based Learning works:
Create a profile on Compass
Build your WBL opportunities on Compass for free
(we can help build these if requested)
Outline requirements for participating students (skills, age, grade, location, etc.)
Choose schools to share your opportunity with
Review student applications and make offers
Set the foundation for future employment by developing connections and key skills with students